NYSED proposes amendments to Mixed Competition and Extra Class Athletic Activities
The New York State Education Department (NYSED) has proposed amendments to sections of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education relating to Mixed Competition and Extra Class Athletic Activities.
Our District implores parents and community members to carefully review the proposed amendments, as well as the letters of opposition from various local and state athletic organizations, and submit comments during the 60-day public comment period which began on May 22, 2024.
Proposed Amendment of Sections 135.1, 135.4, and 135.5 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Relating to Mixed Competition and Extra Class Athletic Activities
Proposed Rule Making Activities for public comment on Mixed Competition and Extra Class Athletic Activities
Opposition with recommendation letter from Dr. Robert J. Zayas, Executive Director of the New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA)
Opposition letter from the Executive Board of the New York State Athletic Administrators Association
PUBLIC COMMENTS with data, views or arguments MAY BE SENT TO:
Angelique Johnson-Dingle
Deputy Commissioner
NYS Education Department
Office of P-12 Education
55 Hanson Place
Brooklyn, NY 11217
(718) 722-2797
email: [email protected]
Thank you for your consideration and action.
View our letter here