Dear Mount Sinai Community,
I am deeply honored and excited to serve as your new Superintendent. This is a responsibility that I embrace with immense gratitude and commitment to each one of you—our students, staff, parents, and the broader community.
Every student in our district deserves an education that sparks their curiosity, fuels their ambition, and equips them with the knowledge, skills, and perspectives to excel in an ever-evolving world. As your Superintendent, my mission is to ensure that our schools provide such an education.
We are at a pivotal moment in education, facing both profound challenges and unprecedented opportunities for innovation. My approach will be rooted in collaboration, transparency, and a steadfast focus on our students' wellbeing and success.
I look forward to listening, learning, and leading. This will begin with getting to know our schools and community better. Over the next few months, I will be meeting with staff, visiting classrooms, attending community events, and seeking your input on how we can enhance our district's educational excellence.
As we embark on this journey together, I invite your ideas, questions, and partnership. Let's work together to inspire and empower every student in our district to realize their full potential and dreams.
With warm regards,
Dr. Christine Criscione
Superintendent of Schools